Topstone can help you
throughout the whole drug
development lifecycle.


Topstone_IconsWe offer a complete package of specialized clinical trial management services, from Phase I – Phase IV. We can begin as early as you need – before protocol development, at study feasibility or during patient recruitment.

You’ll be impressed with the results of our patient recruitment campaigns. We customize our strategies down to the site level, using any combinations of traditional media, the latest on-line and social media tools, patient-level databases and advanced analytics. With these tools, we have built a track record of meeting and, even shortening, ever-compressed recruitment timelines.

Our management of studies combines a strong knowledge of clinical processes, risk mitigation techniques and effective communication practices that keep you informed and in control every step of the way.

Topstone’s approach to quality means getting it right the first time. We plan ahead and create contingency scenarios to minimize risk and make things run smoothly from the beginning.

Experienced project managers take care to help you get every detail right. Topstone’s core specialties combine a focused approach and personal attention with our project managers vested in your success.

We know that the components of clinical trial management requires specialty expertise. We make a special effort to find the most appropriate third-party service providers, for critical areas such as specialized data collection, ensuring quality and cost effectiveness.

Need dedicated resources? Ask us about our functional outsourcing services. We can assemble a dedicated study start-up or monitoring team to meet specific needs.

Describing the process is easy. But putting it all together takes careful coordination of an experienced clinical team – experience that sets Topstone apart. In short, our clients benefit from what we do, not from what we say.